3 Tips to Enhance Your Learning Experience as a Future Tour Guide

Are you eager to begin your tour guide career? Becoming a tour guide isn’t easy. You have to go through extensive training, rigorous interviews and tests before you are hired as a tour guide.

If you have been invited for the interview as a potential candidate for the position of tour guide, then good news – they think you have what it takes! Here are some tips that will enhance your learning experience as a future tour guide:

Research is Key

You don’t become a tour guide by walking into a company and saying “Hey, I’m interested in learning to be a tour guide, can you hire me?” That’s not how it works. You’ll undergo company procedures from interview, training and deployment.

This is to ensure that you have the right attitude, knowledge and skills to become a great tour guide and represent the company well.

The company has spent money on their tour guides’ training and wants to make sure it’s not wasted. You need to prove that you have what it takes to be an excellent tour guide.

Learn Your City and Its History Well

You need to know your city and its history inside out before becoming a tour guide. It’s one of the most important skills that a tour guide must learn. You need to know where everything is, how everything came to be and what the significance of everything is.

This is because you will be leading tours in which tourists will be visiting these places. It’s important that you know what you are talking about. For example, if you’ve been assigned to Bangkok as a tour guide, you need to check helpful sites like Bangkok nightlife so your tour guiding will be effective.

Be on many Tours

Try going on as many tours as you can. This will help you get a feel for the types of tours that you will be leading and the length of time they take. It will also help you get to know your city better. There’s nothing like being on the ground and experiencing a place in person to really understand and appreciate it.
