When you are always on the road, it is reassuring to know that there are reliable towing companies that you can contact in your area for roadside assistance when you need it. For instance, Towing Service San Jose provides motorists in the San Jose area as well as other surrounding areas with professional, dependable, and friendly towing services. They have a team of experts who have the knowledge, skills, and experience to provide the quality service that you deserve at a very reasonable cost. Find a reliable towing service location on the maps.
Get To Know And Understand Your Vehicle
While towing companies like Towing Service San Jose are available to help motorists, it is imperative that you make certain that your vehicle is well-maintained as well as strive to improve your driving skills in order to avoid car troubles or breakdowns. As a car owner, it is important that you have a good understanding of your car so as to carry out the proper maintenance and repairs as well as to handle your car much better.
Although you don’t have to be knowledgeable about everything about your vehicle, you need to at least know and understand the basic components and elements. So as to aid in making you feel a bit more confident as a vehicle owner, let’s have a look at some of these basics:
Car Model, Year and Make (Brand)
As a car owner, you need to know the specific car model, the year the car was manufactures, and the make (brand) of the car. This may sound simple, however there are plenty of car owners who don’t know about this information. Frequently, they interchange the car model and the year it was manufactured, which could actually create huge errors. Car parts, fluids, and accessories needed to maintain as well as repair your vehicle are dependent on this information. Hence, it is crucial that you get this information accurately.
Vehicle Identification Number (VIN)
The 17-digit VIN of your car serves as its fingerprint. This will identify the model, manufacture date and place, make, size of the engine and other details about your vehicle. The VIN remains with the vehicle throughout the lifespan of the car. This number is usually found at the corner of the dashboard where the windshield meats. You can stand on the driver’s side outside of the car to see it. The VIN is very handy particularly to your mechanic as well as insurance firms.
Schedule of Vehicle Maintenance
In order to keep your vehicle in excellent condition and optimal performance, it is imperative that you stick to the scheduled car maintenance. This will make certain that all scheduled maintenance is done, such as oil change, tire rotation, and brake pads replacements among others.
Know What the Engine Light Means
When your engine light goes on, you need to know what it means for you to make the necessary action. Check your car manual as the engine light differs among vehicle manufacturers. But usually, a red light would mean you need to get help immediately, yellow light means you have your engine checked ASAP, and green (at times blue) would mean your engine is activated.